Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 13 Homework

Week 13 Homework

Q 1. What are two of the original characteristics of the Internet, and how do they continue to affect it? 2. What are some of the technological developments that had a part in the "democratization" of the Internet, or the spread of the Internet to more people? 3. How might blogs help the flow of information around the globe? How might they damage that information? 4. What are some threats to credibility online, and how can users proactively seek only credible sources?

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The two of the original characteristics of the internet is the decentralization and the distributed internet service for everyone. The decentralization characteristics of the internet service allowed the users to send voicemails from one device to another through the use of the web services. The data or any file that was saved by the users in different places of the internet is nearly indestructible. Another characteristic is the distributed network which allowed for the use of the internet to everyone and which connected the different devices which used the internet all around the world.